Angular Js - Check If Current Url Matches The Route (with Dynamic Url Params)
Solution 1:
Current route allows you to use regular expression. Inject $route
service and explore current route object. Namely regexp
This is how you can use it (example from controller method to check if current menu item (which has dynamic parts) should be activated):
$scope.isActive = function (path) {
if ($route.current && $route.current.regexp) {
Solution 2:
You can try something like this:
$routeProvider.when('/asd/:id/:slug', {
templateUrl: '/views/template.html',
controller: 'YourController',
resolve: {
data: ['$route', 'SecurityFactory',
function ($route, SecurityFactory) {
var id= parseInt($, 10);
var slug= $route.current.params.slug;
SecurityFactory.checkParams(id, slug);
Then inside the SecurityFactory you can check the validity of the params. For example with RegExp.
Solution 3:
Not a very elegant solution, and I have only tested it in Chrome DevTools, but it seems to work:
Object.getPrototypeOf($route.current) === $route.routes['/asd/:id/:slug'];
It seems that the routes property of the $routes service is an object literal with the keys set to the patterns for each route.
For others wanting to use this, just replace '/asd/:id/:slug'
with the pattern that you used when you defined your route.
Also if you want to match the otherwise
path, just use $route.routes['null']
Disclaimer: This is just a workaround that I found and which works for me. Given that this behavior is not documented, and that I didn't test it to see if it works in all scenarios, use it at your own risk.
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