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Parse Cloud Code New Sdk Include Subclass Not Working

I was using an old parse SDK version 1.5.0 and my function was returning with all the includes. Now I tried to use the latest SDK and the function is returning the main object only

Solution 1:

I started working with Parse recently so I'm not very familiar with the behavioiur of old SDK versions.

Since you're in Cloud Code, however, .include() doesn't warrant a significant performance gain over .fetch(), since the code runs on their infrastructure (it's the documented way of accessing related Parse.Objects, so they should be optimizing for that anyway), so the following should work:

var _ = require('underscore');
var results;
gateToUserQuery.find().then(function (joins) {
  // add results to bigger-scoped variable// for access in the other function
  results = joins;

  // Promises are beautifulvar fetchPromises =, function (join) {
}).then(function () {
  // related Pointers should be filled with data

I think at least in the current iteration of the SDK, include only works with Arrays instead of Pointers.

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