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How To Push Configuration Values From Core Mvc 2.0 Config File To React Typescript Client Script?

I have an application on ASP.NET MVC Core 2.0 using React Template. I have propertie in config file on server side - SiteURL. I need to push it to client TypeScript, and don`t unde

Solution 1:

I found solution to make this line on Home/Index:

<div id="site-props" style="display: none;">@ViewBag.PropsJSON</div>

Where PropsJSON is JSON string of my configuration. After it i initialize my clientscript configuration using this code:

functionImportProps() {
    var ell = document.getElementById('site-props');
    var jsontext = ell!.innerText;
    SiteProps = JSON.parse(jsontext);

Solution 2:

Some more ways how to solve it.


When application starts to rewrite file "mysetting.js" with actual settings and to ref this file in index.html


var settings = {
  SiteName: "MySite",
  SiteApi: "http://site.api"




In Home/Index set window.settings in script block

window.settings = {
  SiteName: "MySite",
  SiteApi: "http://site.api"

and it should be available from all code.


After client application starts get all settings with fetch request from server on the fly, and get result as JSON object, and set it somewhere to static.

   then( /* set data to static */ )

Where you initialize your client code.

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