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Autocomplete Not Working On Cloned Input Element

Autocomplete working perfect on first input element but after making clone of this input autocomplete not working for new

Solution 1:

After digging i found this solution.

  1. Autocomplete add an class to a input element.
  2. When we cloned input element then that class also present already.
  3. so before initialise autocomplete to an cloned element we first need to remove that class "ui-autocomplete-input";
  4. then call autocomplete function on that input.

Solution 2:

See the code snippet below, where I have used the jQuery UI along with jQuery UI autocomplete. The functionality works, Please ignore the missing style, you can easily fix it.

How it works:

At first, I cloned the input element and then rebind the autocomplete on it and then enable autocomplete on it. The snippet that you are interested is as follows:

        source: availableTags

You can run and test the snippet. Please let us know whether it works for you or not.

Sample Run

  1. Run the Run code snippet
  2. Click on Try clone and bind. You will see input field with clone-* value by default. Here * will be incrementing numbers 2, 3, 4 etc.
  3. Click on clone-2 and try to change value to something starting with a, b. You will see autocomplete appearing on the fields.

Try to study the code and tweak it to your need. Let us know if you still feel confused on it.

$( function() {
    var availableTags = [
      source: availableTags
    var count   = 1;
    var cloneId = 'clone-';
    $('#tryClone').on('click', function() {
        var tag2 = $('#tags').clone();
        count += 1;
        var elementId = cloneId + count;
        $(tag2).attr("id", elementId).val(elementId);
            source: availableTags

<scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><linkrel="stylesheet"href="//"><linkrel="stylesheet"href=""><divclass="ui-widget"><labelfor="tags">Tags: </label><inputid="tags"><divid="container"></div><buttonid="tryClone">
      Try clone and bind

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