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How To Submit Checkboxes From All Pages With Jquery Datatables

I'm trying to get first cell (td) for each row and getting it but only for current page. If I navigate to next page then the checkbox checked on the previous page is not being sent

Solution 1:


jQuery DataTables removes non-visible rows from DOM for performance reasons. When form is submitted, only data for visible checkboxes is sent to the server.

SOLUTION 1. Submit form

You need to turn elements <input type="checkbox"> that are checked and don't exist in DOM into <input type="hidden"> upon form submission.

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
   // ... skipped ...

$('form').on('submit', function(e){
   var $form = $(this);

   // Iterate over all checkboxes in the table
      // If checkbox doesn't exist in DOMif(!$.contains(document, this)){
         // If checkbox is checkedif(this.checked){
            // Create a hidden element 
                  .attr('type', 'hidden')

SOLUTION 2: Send data via Ajax

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
   // ... skipped ...

$('#btn-submit').on('click', function(e){

   var data = table.$('input[type="checkbox"]').serializeArray();

   // Include extra data if necessary// data.push({'name': 'extra_param', 'value': 'extra_value'});

      url: '/path/to/your/script.php',
      data: data
      console.log('Response', response);


See jQuery DataTables: How to submit all pages form data for more details and demonstration.


  • Each checkbox should have a value attribute assigned with unique value.
  • Avoid using id attribute check for multiple elements, this attribute is supposed to be unique.
  • You don't need to explicitly enable paging, info, etc. options for jQuery DataTables, these are enabled by default.
  • Consider using htmlspecialchars() function to properly encode HTML entities. For example, <?php echo htmlspecialchars($fet['trk']); ?>.

Solution 2:

You do not have to make hidden element on form just before submit simply destroy data table before submit and it will submit all checkbox on all pages like normal

    $('form').on('submit', function (e) {

Solution 3:

<formaction="Nomination"name="form"><tablewidth="100%"class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"id="dataTables- example"><tbody>
     <%while ({%>  
      <tr><td><inputtype="checkbox"name="aabb"value="<%=rs1.getString(1)%>" /></td></tr>

and add script with correct form id and table id

<script>var table = $('#dataTables-example').DataTable({
      // ... skipped ...

      $('form').on('submit', function(e){
      var $form = $(this);
      if(!$.contains(document, this)){


      .attr('type', 'hidden')
        );} } }); });

This is working code

Solution 4:

Great code from, but if you have some other hidden values in your rows, you will have to create them too in the form.

I use :

var table = $('#example').DataTable({
   // ... skipped ...


It just displays on screen all the datatable without pagination before sending it in the form. Maybe if you want to hide the display, you can use css opacity :0 (but not display:none).

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