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How To Get Construct Object In Specified Manner From Given Object

i have problem in constructing a object in desired format. i want to get the object in this manner {'pendrive':['went to each object and picked 'TEST_HOME' value'],'minichip':['wen

Solution 1:

You can use an object lookup for each type of item and property name. Then Using Object.keys() iterate through each key of lookup and array#reduce each key with all the values corresponding to lookup property and create an array using array#reduce of all the values of each object.

var nodeStatus = { "node_stats": { "pendrive": { "mount_status": { "TEST_PROXY": "error", "TEST_TARGET": "error", "TEST_ARCHIVE": "error", "TEST_HOME": "error" } }, "minichip": { "mount_status": { "TEST_PROXY": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na", "TEST_ARCHIVE":"na", "TEST_HOME": "na" } }, "simcard": { "mount_status":{ "TEST_HOME": "error", "TEST_TARGET": "error", "TEST_ARCHIVE": "error", "TEST_PROXY": "error" } }, "hostname": [ "nikola", "goldplus", "pendrive", "simcard", "airtel", "minichip", "voda" ], "airtel":{ "mount_status": { "TEST_PROXY": "ok", "TEST_TARGET": "ok", "TEST_ARCHIVE": "ok", "TEST_HOME": "ok" } }, "voda": { "mount_status": { "TEST_HOME": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na", "TEST_ARCHIVE": "na", "TEST_PROXY": "na" } }, "nikola": { "mount_status": { "TEST_HOME":"na", "TEST_ARCHIVE": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na", "TEST_PROXY": "na" } } } },
    lookup = {pendrive: 'TEST_HOME', minichip: 'TEST_PROXY'}
    result = Object.keys(lookup).reduce((o,k) => {
      o[k] =  Object.keys(nodeStatus.node_stats).reduce((r,key) => {
      if('mount_status'in nodeStatus.node_stats[key])
      return r;
    return o;

Solution 2:

If possible i would change the following

const nodeStatus = {
  "hostname": [
  "node_stats": {
    "pendrive": {
      "mount_status": {
        "TEST_PROXY": "error",
        "TEST_TARGET": "error",
        "TEST_ARCHIVE": "error",
        "TEST_HOME": "error"
    "minichip": {
      "mount_status": {
        "TEST_PROXY": "na",
        "TEST_TARGET": "na",
        "TEST_ARCHIVE": "na",
        "TEST_HOME": "na"
    "simcard": {
      "mount_status": {
        "TEST_HOME": "error",
        "TEST_TARGET": "error",
        "TEST_ARCHIVE": "error",
        "TEST_PROXY": "error"
    "airtel": {
      "mount_status": {
        "TEST_PROXY": "ok",
        "TEST_TARGET": "ok",
        "TEST_ARCHIVE": "ok",
        "TEST_HOME": "ok"
    "voda": {
      "mount_status": {
        "TEST_HOME": "na",
        "TEST_TARGET": "na",
        "TEST_ARCHIVE": "na",
        "TEST_PROXY": "na"
    "nikola": {
      "mount_status": {
        "TEST_HOME": "na",
        "TEST_ARCHIVE": "na",
        "TEST_TARGET": "na",
        "TEST_PROXY": "na"

const testHome = => nodeStatus["node_stats"][name] 
  ? nodeStatus["node_stats"][name]["mount_status"]["TEST_HOME"] 
  : undefined);

// ["nikola", "goldplus", "pendrive", "simcard", "airtel", "minichip", "voda"]
console.log(testHome) //["na", undefined, "error", "error", "ok", "na", "na"]

hostname differs from all others, so you want to get it out of node_stats. The order of the result will be the same as the order of hostname

If you don't want the undefined, then you can use Array.reduce, but the side effect would be that the order of the Array would be unpredictable.

Solution 3:

If you want output like this:

for key of TEST_ARCHIVE

{error: ["pendrive", "simcard"], na: ["minichip", "voda", "nikola"], ok: ["airtel"]}

Use this:

	var hosts	=	nodeStatus.node_stats;
	var return_values	=	{};
	for( var _hostname in hosts ){
		var _host	=	hosts[_hostname];
		if( _host.mount_status ){
			var _status	=	_host.mount_status[key_name];
			if( !return_values[_status] ){
				return_values[_status]	=	newArray;
	}//forreturn return_values
}//functionvar nodeStatus = {"node_stats":{"pendrive":{"mount_status":{"TEST_PROXY":"error","TEST_TARGET":"error","TEST_ARCHIVE":"error","TEST_HOME":"error"}},"minichip":{"mount_status":{"TEST_PROXY":"na","TEST_TARGET":"na","TEST_ARCHIVE":"na","TEST_HOME":"na"}},"simcard":{"mount_status":{"TEST_HOME":"error","TEST_TARGET":"error","TEST_ARCHIVE":"error","TEST_PROXY":"error"}},"hostname":["nikola","goldplus","pendrive","simcard","airtel","minichip","voda"],"airtel":{"mount_status":{"TEST_PROXY":"ok","TEST_TARGET":"ok","TEST_ARCHIVE":"ok","TEST_HOME":"ok"}},"voda":{"mount_status":{"TEST_HOME":"na","TEST_TARGET":"na","TEST_ARCHIVE":"na","TEST_PROXY":"na"}},"nikola":{"mount_status":{"TEST_HOME":"na","TEST_ARCHIVE":"na","TEST_TARGET":"na","TEST_PROXY":"na"}}}};

console.log( getNestedValuesForKey('TEST_ARCHIVE') );

Solution 4:

It's fairly unclear what you want. One possibility is that when you're looking for TEST_PROXY, you should get

["na", undefined, "error", "error", "ok", "na", "na"]

(The undefined is because hostname includes "goldplus", which is not included in node_stats.)

If that's what you want, then this should work:

const nodeStatus = {"node_stats": {"airtel": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "ok", "TEST_HOME": "ok", "TEST_PROXY": "ok", "TEST_TARGET": "ok"}}, "hostname": ["nikola", "goldplus", "pendrive", "simcard", "airtel", "minichip", "voda"], "minichip": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "na", "TEST_HOME": "na", "TEST_PROXY": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na"}}, "nikola": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "na", "TEST_HOME": "na", "TEST_PROXY": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na"}}, "pendrive": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "error", "TEST_HOME": "error", "TEST_PROXY": "error", "TEST_TARGET": "error"}}, "simcard": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "error", "TEST_HOME": "error", "TEST_PROXY": "error", "TEST_TARGET": "error"}}, "voda": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "na", "TEST_HOME": "na", "TEST_PROXY": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na"}}}}

constnodeSum = (key, nodes) => nodes.node_stats.hostname
    .map(hostname => (nodes.node_stats[hostname] || {mount_status: {}}).mount_status[key])

console.log(nodeSum("TEST_PROXY", nodeStatus))

But that's format is fairly unclear. If instead you would like something like this:


Then you could modify the function a bit like this:

const nodeStatus = {"node_stats": {"airtel": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "ok", "TEST_HOME": "ok", "TEST_PROXY": "ok", "TEST_TARGET": "ok"}}, "hostname": ["nikola", "goldplus", "pendrive", "simcard", "airtel", "minichip", "voda"], "minichip": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "na", "TEST_HOME": "na", "TEST_PROXY": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na"}}, "nikola": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "na", "TEST_HOME": "na", "TEST_PROXY": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na"}}, "pendrive": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "error", "TEST_HOME": "error", "TEST_PROXY": "error", "TEST_TARGET": "error"}}, "simcard": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "error", "TEST_HOME": "error", "TEST_PROXY": "error", "TEST_TARGET": "error"}}, "voda": {"mount_status": {"TEST_ARCHIVE": "na", "TEST_HOME": "na", "TEST_PROXY": "na", "TEST_TARGET": "na"}}}}

constnodeSum = (key, nodes) => nodes.node_stats.hostname
    .map(hostname => ({[hostname]: (nodes.node_stats[hostname] || {mount_status: {}})
    .reduce((a, b) =>Object.assign(a, b), {})

console.log(nodeSum("TEST_HOME", nodeStatus))

If you could guarantee that there were no scenarios like "goldplus" in your example where a hostname is included in the lists of hostnames but not in node_stats, then you could simplify these functions to

constnodeSum = (key, nodes) => nodes.node_stats.hostname
    .map(hostname => nodes.node_stats[hostname].mount_status[key])


constnodeSum = (key, nodes) => nodes.node_stats.hostname
    .map(hostname => ({[hostname]: nodes.node_stats[hostname].mount_status[key]}))
    .reduce((a, b) =>Object.assign(a, b), {})

And finally, it might be cleaner to do the latter in a single iteration, like this:

constnodeSum = (key, nodes) => nodes.node_stats.hostname
    .reduce((acc, hostname) => {
      acc[hostname] = nodes.node_stats[hostname].mount_status[key]
      return acc
    }, {})

nodeSum is a terrible name for this function, but it seemed that you were updating a variable with this name to hold your output. I would change it to something more explicit for real code.

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