Sorting Objects By Property Values
Solution 1:
javascript has the sort function which can take another function as parameter - that second function is used to compare two elements.
cars = [
name: "Honda",
speed: 80
name: "BMW",
speed: 180
name: "Trabi",
speed: 40
name: "Ferrari",
speed: 200
cars.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.speed - b.speed;
for(var i in cars)
document.writeln(cars[i].name) // Trabi Honda BMW Ferrari
ok, from your comment i see that you're using the word 'sort' in a wrong sense. In programming "sort" means "put things in a certain order", not "arrange things in groups". The latter is much simpler - this is just how you "sort" things in the real world
- make two empty arrays ("boxes")
- for each object in your list, check if it matches the criteria
- if yes, put it in the first "box"
- if no, put it in the second "box"
Solution 2:
This runs on cscript.exe, on windows.
// define the Car class
(function() {
// makeClass - By John Resig (MIT Licensed)// Allows either new User() or User() to be employed for construction.functionmakeClass(){
if ( thisinstanceofarguments.callee ) {
if ( typeofthis.init == "function" )
this.init.apply( this, (args && args.callee) ? args : arguments );
} elsereturnnewarguments.callee( arguments );
Car = makeClass();
Car.prototype.init = function(make, model, price, topSpeed, weight) {
this.make = make;
this.model = model;
this.price = price;
this.weight = weight;
this.topSpeed = topSpeed;
// create a list of carsvar autos = [
newCar("Chevy", "Corvair", 1800, 88, 2900),
newCar("Buick", "LeSabre", 31000, 138, 3700),
newCar("Toyota", "Prius", 24000, 103, 3200),
newCar("Porsche", "911", 92000, 155, 3100),
newCar("Mercedes", "E500", 67000, 145, 3800),
newCar("VW", "Passat", 31000, 135, 3700)
// a list of sorting functionsvar sorters = {
byWeight : function(a,b) {
return (a.weight - b.weight);
bySpeed : function(a,b) {
return (a.topSpeed - b.topSpeed);
byPrice : function(a,b) {
return (a.price - b.price);
byModelName : function(a,b) {
return ((a.model < b.model) ? -1 : ((a.model > b.model) ? 1 : 0));
byMake : function(a,b) {
return ((a.make < b.make) ? -1 : ((a.make > b.make) ? 1 : 0));
functionsay(s) {WScript.Echo(s);}
say ("sorted by: "+title);
for (var i=0; i < autos.length; i++) {
say(" " + autos[i].model);
say(" ");
You can also make a general sorter.
var byProperty = function(prop) {
returnfunction(a,b) {
if (typeof a[prop] == "number") {
return (a[prop] - b[prop]);
} else {
return ((a[prop] < b[prop]) ? -1 : ((a[prop] > b[prop]) ? 1 : 0));
show("Top Speed");
Solution 3:
I have wrote this simple function for myself:
functionsortObj(list, key) {
functioncompare(a, b) {
a = a[key];
b = b[key];
var type = (typeof(a) === 'string' ||
typeof(b) === 'string') ? 'string' : 'number';
var result;
if (type === 'string') result = a.localeCompare(b);
else result = a - b;
return result;
return list.sort(compare);
for example you have list of cars:
var cars= [{brand: 'audi', speed: 240}, {brand: 'fiat', speed: 190}];
var carsSortedByBrand = sortObj(cars, 'brand');
var carsSortedBySpeed = sortObj(cars, 'speed');
Solution 4:
Here's a short example, that creates and array of objects, and sorts numerically or alphabetically:
// Create Objects Arrayvar arrayCarObjects = [
{brand: "Honda", topSpeed: 45},
{brand: "Ford", topSpeed: 6},
{brand: "Toyota", topSpeed: 240},
{brand: "Chevrolet", topSpeed: 120},
{brand: "Ferrari", topSpeed: 1000}
// Sort Objects Numerically
arrayCarObjects.sort((a, b) => (a.topSpeed - b.topSpeed));
// Sort Objects Alphabetically
arrayCarObjects.sort((a, b) => (a.brand > b.brand) ? 1 : -1);
Solution 5:
Let us say we have to sort a list of objects in ascending order based on a particular property, in this example lets say we have to sort based on the "name" property, then below is the required code :
var list_Objects = [{"name"="Bob"},{"name"="Jay"},{"name"="Abhi"}];
Console.log(list_Objects); //[{"name"="Bob"},{"name"="Jay"},{"name"="Abhi"}]
return a["name"].localeCompare(b["name"]);
Console.log(list_Objects); //[{"name"="Abhi"},{"name"="Bob"},{"name"="Jay"}]
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