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Marionette.js Collectionview, Only Render Specific Models

I am refactoring my Backbone.js application to use Marionette.js, and I am trying to wrap my head around a CollectionView. Suppose I have several ItemViews with the model Cow: // D

Solution 1:

Marionette handles this for you in v2.4.1.

See the CollectionView.filter method.

Following is from the docs:

var cv = newMarionette.CollectionView({
    childView: SomeChildView,
    emptyView: SomeEmptyView,
    collection: newBackbone.Collection([
      { value: 1 },
      { value: 2 },
      { value: 3 },
      { value: 4 }

    // Only show views with even valuesfilter: function (child, index, collection) {
      return child.get('value') % 2 === 0;

  // renders the views with values '2' and '4'

  // change the filter
  cv.filter = function (child, index, collection) {
    return child.get('value') % 2 !== 0;

  // renders the views with values '1' and '3'

  // remove the filter// note that using `delete cv.filter` will cause the prototype's filter to be used// which may be undesirable
  cv.filter = null;

  // renders all views

Solution 2:

As suggested by others, the best way to achieve this is to filter the collection to contain only the models you want to display, and pass that fitlered collection to a CollectionView for rendering.

You can see a working example here: Filter contacts with the input field on the top right to display only models containing that text (e.g. "li").

This is achieved by using a special collection type that handles filtering:

And it gets instantiated here:

This code is from my book on Marionette.

Solution 3:

@Will M's suggestion to filter the collection is the appropriate way to do this.

Solution 4:

Sometimes you can not filter your collection due to some custom logic and you want those models to be in a collection, but you don't want them to be rendered. To achieve it, you can:

varPasture = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
     addChild: function(child, ChildView, index) {
               if(child.get('hasSpots')) {
          , child, ChildView, index);

Although I agree that filtering a collection is a much better way to do this.

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