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Javascript: Regex Help Needed Please

When it comes to Regex I am dumber than a door nail, so when making a Firefox extension I asked a friend for help and he gave me this: if( doc.location.href.match(/(www\.google.*?[

Solution 1:



The (?:\.[a-z]{2,3}){1,2} is to match like, etc.

Solution 2:


assuming just 2-3 letters for tld would be ok. If you're using it between forward slashes (/), you'd want to escape them on this regex.

Solution 3:

Don't try to tailor a regular expression. It will be unmaintainable -- if you can't find the problem with it today, what hope does the maintainer have to find a problem with it tomorrow?

Parse the URL properly, perhaps by using the regular expression which won't need to be maintained because the core URL syntax doesn't change.

From RFC 3986:

The following line is the regular expression for breaking-down a well-formed URI reference into its components.


The numbers in the second line above are only to assist readability; they indicate the reference points for each subexpression (i.e., each paired parenthesis). We refer to the value matched for subexpression <n> as $<n>. For example, matching the above expression to

results in the following subexpression matches:

$1 = http:$2 = http
 $3 = //
 $4 =
 $5 = /pub/ietf/uri/$6 = <undefined>
 $7 = <undefined>
 $8 = #Related$9 = Related

Using that, you can check your URL in JavaScript by doing the following:

var match = url.match(/^(([^:/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/);
if (!match) { thrownewError('not a URL'); }
var url = {
  protocol: match[2],
  authority: match[4],  // host, port, username, passwordpath: match[5],
  query: match[6],
  fragment: match[8]
if (url.protocol !== 'http' && url.protocol !== 'https') {
  thrownewError('bad protocol');
if (!/^[a-z]+$/.test(url.authority || '')) {
  thrownewError('bad host');
if (!/[?&]q=/.test(url.query || '')) {
  thrownewError('bad query');

It's more code, but it's much easier to debug, maintain, and as a bonus, you can tailor your explanation of why the URL is problematic.

Solution 4:

Add ^https?:// to the front of the pattern you already have

  • ^ anchors the pattern to the beginning of the string
  • http is just http
  • s? means 1 or 0 s's
  • : is just itself
  • backslashes need to be escaped

so this is the whole pattern:


what i like about the pattern you have: it does not assume that TLDs are two or three characters long.

Solution 5:

var regex = /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?google\.[a-z]{2,3}\/([^/]*[\&]|[\?])q=.+$/i;

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