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Single/multiple Conditions For Columns Formating With Dt

This is related to the question in this Is there any similar approach to conditional formating for multiple columns from excel in Shiny,, the solution provided works fine but I am

Solution 1:

Start with

datatable(df, escape=FALSE, 
              options = list(rowCallback=JS(jscode)))

and add the formatStyle's.

df <- data.frame(
  id = 1:10, 
  X = c(-2, 4, 40, -0.1228, 2.9, 9, 2.7, 2.7, 31, -30),
  Y = c(-18.9, -19.5, 19.6, 12, 11.1, 73, 4.3, 39, 2.5, 1.6),
  A = c(-7.3, 5.1 ,0.12, 15, 21, 1.2, -0,07, 4.3, 39),
  B = c(-18.9, 0.12, 15, 11.1, 73, -2, 4, 40, -19.5, 19.6),
  C = c(4.3, 39, 2.5, 1.6, -7.3, 6, 5.1 ,0.12, -0.07, 4.3)

colors <- with(df, ifelse(X > -4 & X < 4 & Y < 10, 
                          ifelse(Y > 10, 
                                 "blue", "white")))
rgbcolors <- apply(grDevices::col2rgb(colors), 2, 
                   function(rgb) sprintf("rgb(%s)", paste(rgb, collapse=",")))
columns <- c(2,3) # columns X and Y
jscode <- 
  paste("function(row, data, index) {",  
        sprintf("var colors=%s;\n%s", 
                        paste(sprintf("'%s'", rgbcolors), collapse=", ")), 
                paste(sprintf("$(this.api().cell(index, %s).node()).css('background-color', colors[index]);", 
                              columns), collapse="\n")), 
        "}", sep="\n")

datatable(df, escape=FALSE, 
          options = list(rowCallback=JS(jscode))) %>% 
    target = 'cell',
    backgroundColor = styleInterval(3, c('green','pink'))) %>% 
    target = 'cell',
    backgroundColor = styleInterval(3, c('green','pink'))) %>% 
    target = 'cell',
    backgroundColor = styleInterval(3, c('green','pink'))

enter image description here

Solution 2:

The first solution I provided works fine but the code is unreadable. Here is a cleaner solution.

df <- data.frame(
  id = 1:10, 
  X = c(-2, 4, 40, -0.1228, 2.9, 9, 2.7, 2.7, 31, -30),
  Y = c(-18.9, -19.5, 19.6, 12, 11.1, 73, 4.3, 39, 2.5, 1.6),
  A = c(-7.3, 5.1 ,0.12, 15, 21, 1.2, -0,07, 4.3, 39),
  B = c(-18.9, 0.12, 15, 11.1, 73, -2, 4, 40, -19.5, 19.6),
  C = c(4.3, 39, 2.5, 1.6, -7.3, 6, 5.1 ,0.12, -0.07, 4.3)
jscode <- "function(settings) {
  var table = settings.oInstance.api();
  var nrows = table.rows().count();
  for(var i=0; i<nrows; i++){
    var cell1 = table.cell(i,2);
    var cell2 = table.cell(i,3);
    var X =; var Y =;
    var bgcolor = 'white';
    if(X > -4 && X < 4 && Y < 10){
      bgcolor = 'pink';
    }else if(Y > 10){
      bgcolor = 'blue';
    cell1.node().style.backgroundColor = bgcolor;
    cell2.node().style.backgroundColor = bgcolor;
datatable(df, escape=FALSE, 
          options = list(initComplete=JS(jscode))) %>% 
    target = 'cell',
    backgroundColor = styleInterval(3, c('green','pink'))) %>% 
    target = 'cell',
    backgroundColor = styleInterval(3, c('green','pink'))) %>% 
    target = 'cell',
    backgroundColor = styleInterval(3, c('green','pink'))

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