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Output Dynamic Table Data

I am creating an invoice website for my intranet. I have the following code for making a dynamic table row inside the html that generates rows up to how much we need for the invoic

Solution 1:

You need to give the form fields names ending in []. When the form is submitted, PHP will combine all the fields with the name name[] into an array in $_POST['name']. You can then iterate through these arrays to get all the rows of the form.

The form should look something like:

<formmethod="post"action="your URL"><table><tr><td><inputtype="text"name="somename[]"></td><td><selectname="somemenu[]"><optionvalue="">Please choose</option><optionvalue="1">Option 1</option><optionvalue="2">Option 2</option>

Then your PHP can do:

foreach (array_keys($_POST['somename']) as $key) {
  // Do something with $_POST['somename'][$key] and $_POST['somemenu'][$key]

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