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React + Firestore : Return A Variable From A Query

I'm learning React and Firestore currently and am a bit stuck. I'm trying to retrieve a users name from a firestore collection by searching their uid. The following code is execute

Solution 1:

As others have explained, you can't return that value, since it's loaded from Firestore asynchronously. By the time your return runs, the data hasn't loaded yet.

In React you handle this by putting the data in the component's state, and using it from there. If you do this, your render method can simply pick it up from the state, with something like:

{lesson.post_author && findName(lesson.post_author_name)}

(the above assumes that lesson indirectly comes from the state.

It's a bit easier if we pretend there's only one lesson, and you have these values straight in the state:

{state.post_author && findName(state.post_author_name)}

Now I'll assume you already have the post_author and you just need to look up the author's name. That means that somewhere in/after componentDidMount you'll load the additional data and add it to the state:

componentDidMount() {
    .where('uid', '==', this.state.uid)
    .then(querySnapshot => {
      this.setState({ post_user_name:[0].data().name });

Now the loading of the data still happens asynchronously, so the call to setState() happens some time after componentDidMount has completed. But React is aware that changing the state may require a refresh of the component, so it responds to the call to setState() by rerendering it.

Note that I'd highly recommend using each user's UID as the ID of the documents in users. That way you don't need a query and can just do a directly lookup:

componentDidMount() {
    .then(doc => {
      this.setState({ post_user_name: });

Solution 2:

I'm trying to retrieve a users name from a firestore collection by searching their uid.

This is accomplished by using the asyncronous .get method on a Firestore reference. In your case, you probably have a users collection of firebase.auth().currentUser.uid named documents.

var userRef = firebase.firestore().collection('users').doc(users.uid);
userRef.get().then(function(doc) {
    if (doc.exists) {
        console.log("Users first name is:",;
    } else {
        // will be undefined in this caseconsole.log("No such document!");
}).catch(function(error) {
    console.log("Error getting document:", error);

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