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.js And .css Files Are Loading As Text/html In My Jsp Page.

When I load my jsp page, the attached css and js files are rendered as text/html format. I noticed it from chrome browser where I could see this error message 'Resource interprete

Solution 1:

I finally found the reason for this issue. I just fixed web.xml by changing the default url mapping

eg. from the default value as below

<servlet-mapping><servlet-name>My Application</servlet-name><url-pattern>/*</url-pattern></servlet-mapping>


<servlet-mapping><servlet-name>My Application</servlet-name><url-pattern>/home/*</url-pattern></servlet-mapping>

After changing this I still got an error which I fixed by adding

<servlet-mapping><servlet-name>My Application</servlet-name><url-pattern>/VAADIN/*</url-pattern></servlet-mapping>

which is covered in the Book of Vaadin, section 4.8

Solution 2:

In my case, I have a filter in my web.xml that filters everything. (It redirects to a certain page based on the IP address.)


With this filter mapping, all requests (including images, stylesheets, scripts, etc.) go through the filter. You can fix it by either removing the filter-mapping from your web.xml or checking the logic in the filter-class to allow or ignore the resources.

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