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Javascript - String To Date - Php Iso String Format

I have a date in format of: 2010-11-30T08:32:22+0000 2010-11-27T20:59:17+0000 coming from a feed, in string format to javascript, now I want to convert it to a Date object. How can

Solution 1:

This code works in IE/Firefox/Chrome:

newDate("2010-11-30T08:32:22+0000".replace(/-/g,'/').replace(/T/,' ').replace(/\+/,' +'))

It changes 2010-11-30T08:32:22+0000 to 2010/11/30 08:32:22 +0000 and then creates the Date object from the fixed string.

I'm not sure if you should use this, it seems really dirty.

Solution 2:

Perhaps it is an overkill, but try Datejs

Solution 3:

This recipe doesn't take care of TimeZone. You need to hack it a little more to get it working with TZs. If you are sure that the time-zone is always +0000, this code will work:

var s = "2010-11-30T08:32:22+0000";
// Replace non-digit characters with a space
s = s.replace(/\D/g," ");
// Split the string on spacevar date_parts = s.split(" ");

// subtract 1 from month to use in Date constructorvar yyyy = date_parts[0],
    mm = date_parts[1] - 1,
    dd = date_parts[2],
    hh = date_parts[3],
    mi = date_parts[4],
    ss = date_parts[5];

// Now, the date_parts has year, month, date and so onvar dt = newDate(yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mi, ss);

This is a slightly verbose version of a recipe I have learned from JavaScript Cookbook

Solution 4:

New browsers version support new Date("2010-11-30T08:32:22+0000") (Chrome, FF4, IE9), but old browsers doesn't.

If timezone doesn't make sence (in cases when it always zero (your case) or omit), you can use this:

Date.fromISOString = (function(){
  functionfastDateParse(y, m, d, h, i, s, ms){
    returnnewDate(y, m - 1, d, h || 0, i || 0, s || 0, ms || 0);

  // result functionreturnfunction(isoDateString){
    return fastDateParse.apply(null, isoDateString.split(/\D/));

If you need parse with timezone use this:

Date.fromISOString = (function(){
  var tzoffset = (newDate).getTimezoneOffset();
  functionfastDateParse(y, m, d, h, i, s, ms){ // this -> tzreturnnewDate(y, m - 1, d, h || 0, +(i || 0) - this, s || 0, ms || 0);

  // result functionreturnfunction(isoDateString){
    var tz = isoDateString.substr(10).match(/([\-\+])(\d{1,2}):?(\d{1,2})?/) || 0;
    if (tz)
      tz = tzoffset + (tz[1] == '-' ? -1 : 1) * (tz[3] != null ? +tz[2] * 60 + (+tz[3]) : +tz[2]);
    return fastDateParse.apply(tz || 0, isoDateString.split(/\D/));

Correct forms of date:


// Your example valid as well.Date.fromISOString("2010-11-30T08:32:22+0000")

Solution 5:

var someDate = newDate("2010-11-30T08:32:22+0000");

I don't think it could be any simpler.

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