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Get Client Machine Timezone In Mvc

How to get the time zone id (ex.: Central Standard Time) of the client machine in mvc?

Solution 1:

It will have to be done on the Javascript side, and post that value in a hidden field back to the server. Look into the Date.getTimezoneOffset().

Solution 2:

That information is not sent to the server, so there is not trivial way to do it. One option would be to look up the IP in a Geolocation Database. is one.

You can also do a ajax postback using the javascript Date.getTimezoneOffset().

$.get('/User/SetTimeZone' + Date.getTimezoneOffset());

and store this in the session or with the user data.

Solution 3:

If you have troubles showing time on the client side then you can do the following I wrote an extension to DateTime class that does conversion for me

publicstatic MvcHtmlString ToClientTime(this DateTime dateTime){
   var builder = new TagBuilder("span");
   builder.SetInnerText(string.Format("{0} (UTC)", dateTime.ToString()));
   returnnew MvcHtmlString(builder.ToString());

then I've added a javascript file and let momentjs handle the conversion on the client side

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("[data-utc-time]").text(function () {
    var utcTime = $(this).attr("data-utc-time");
    return moment.utc(utcTime, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm').local().format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm');

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