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Angularjs Ui-router How To Load A State View Into Another Nested View Of A Top Level State? I have a top level state called container which holds the named views dashboard and feed. Inside of the dashboard view templat

Solution 1:

Still waiting on more answers, but I got this working so far by using a tickers.component inside of the dashboard-template.html

<divclass="dashboard-state"><divclass="fl w100"><em>Dashbaord state</em></div><!--<div ui-view="tickers"></div>--><tickers-module></tickers-module></div>

tickers.component('tickersModule', {
  templateUrl: 'tickers-template.html',
  controller: function($scope, $state) {
    console.log('TICKERS component');
    $scope.tickers = [
      { id: 1, ticker: 'AAPL' },
      { id: 2, ticker: 'GOOG' },
      { id: 3, ticker: 'TWTR' }

    $scope.clickTicker = function(ticker) {
      console.log(' Ticker clicked!', $state)
      $state.go('tags', { ticker: ticker });

Solution 2:

I think you should use different states on the container like these:

$stateProvider .state('container', { url: '/container', templateUrl: '' })

    .state('container.feed', {
        url: '/container/feed',
        templateUrl: 'partial-home.html'

    .state('container.dashboard', {
        url: '/container,
        templateUrl: 'partial-home.html'

And use ui-sref

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