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"unknown Provider: Ngdialogprovider"

In my app.js I have var app = angular.module('atlas', ['ngRoute', 'ngDialog']); for my controller I have app.controller('nodeController', function ($scope, $http, ngDialog) the

Solution 1:

the problem was the config of ngDialogProvider

after var app = angular.module("atlas", ["ngRoute", "ngDialog"]);

we have to use:

app.config(["ngDialogProvider", function(ngDialogProvider) {
        className: "ngdialog-theme-default",
        plain: false,
        showClose: true,
        closeByDocument: true,
        closeByEscape: true,
        appendTo: false,
        preCloseCallback: function() {
            console.log("default pre-close callback");

Solution 2:

I experienced the same error message when I first tried to add ngDialog to my app, and I tried the ngDialogProvider fix outlined by Disposer above. It didn't work for me. Then I realised that my app was partitioned into two modules; a top level module defining the controller, and core module defining a service with some lower level code. My code is structured that way because I started with the angular-phonecat tutorial as boilerplate. I was injecting ngDialog into the controller, and attempting to use it in the service. Once I fixed the injection to be into the correct module the issue was resolved.

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