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Can I Update An Image In Jqgrid Cell

Hi I have gone through various link to update a cell value like here also here I need to change the image which I put through a custom formatter as soon as user clicks on the image

Solution 1:

You can use event parameter of onCellSelect callback. will be element, clicked by user. Below is the example of the code:

onCellSelect: function (iRow, iCol, content, event) {
    var cmName = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "colModel")[iCol].name,
        target =;

    if (cmName === "col_image" && target.tagName.toUpperCase() === "IMG") {
        if (condition) { // some kind of testing
            target.src = "img/loading_completed.png";
            target.title = "Click to view data";
            // one can use $(target).attr alternatively
            //    src: "img/loading_completed.png",
            //    title: "Click to view data"
        } else {
            target.src = "img/loading_error.png";
            target.title = "No data available";
            // one can use $(target).attr alternatively
            //    src: "img/loading_error.png",
            //    title: "No data available"

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