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React.children.only Expected To Receive A Single React Element Child Navigator

I tried too many topic helps but that doesn't help me to fix this error, maybe cuz i'm newbie to react-native. here is the code which gives error. render() { return (

Solution 1:

The react-redux <Provider /> component expects its child prop to be a single ReactElement, the root component of your application. That is probably where this error is coming from.


  • store (Redux Store): The single Redux store in your application.
  • children (ReactElement) The root of your component hierarchy.


        // {...} as longer you let the component inside one global component 
        // - here the divs - React considers you have only one child. That it. 


Solution 2:

Might be late to the post, but you could wrap React.Fragment around your Navigator and Tab to get around that error.

render() {
  return (

  <Providerstore={store}><React.Fragment><NavigatorinitialRoute={{name: 'Wake' }}
         configureScene={(route,routeStack) => Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromBottom}

       <Tabs /></React.Fragment></Provider>


Solution 3:

The above answers did not give you a code example, I will add some code that applies to your situation:

constRoot = () => {
  return (
   <div><NavigatorinitialRoute={{name: 'Wake' }}
      configureScene={(route,routeStack) => Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromBottom}

    <Tabs /></div>

render() {
  return (
    <Providerstore={store}><Root /></Provider>

You basically need to wrap up your Nav and Tabs components inside a Root component to render it within the Provider component, as said in other answers. Hope this helps!

Solution 4:

The Provider component from redux expects to have only one child. You're passing it two children, Navigator and Tabs. Wrap everything inside Provider in a single component.

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