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Auto Submit Form After 5 Seconds

I have a form that i am trying to submit after the page loads and 5 seconds has gone passed.. i have tried setTimeout but it doesnt appear to be working.. can anyone suggest why th

Solution 1:

Pass a reference to the function instead.

    window.setTimeout(document.cartCheckout.submit.bind(document.cartCheckout), 5000);


    window.setTimeout(function() { document.cartCheckout.submit(); }, 5000);

You are currently executing the function, and then passing its return value to setTimeout().

Also, if you wish to execute closer to exactly 5 seconds, you'd need to a setInterval() or recursive setTimeout() and examine +new Date.

Solution 2:

You can have it realy simple, try this guys :

   var wait=setTimeout(";",5000);

Solution 3:

Try doing this instead:

    window.setTimeout("redirect()", 5000);
    // ORwindow.setTimeout(function() { redirect(); }, 5000);

functionredirect() {

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