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Draggable And Clickable Pushpin In Javascript Bing Map

Does anyone get the way to put draggable pushpins through the bing api using javascript? Its is even possible to have that functionality through the api (javascript)?

Solution 1:

The answer is there!

var pushpinOptions = {icon: 'poi_custom.png', draggable:true}; 
var pushpin= new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(map.getCenter(), pushpinOptions); 
pushpindragend= Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'dragend', enddragDetails);  

Solution 2:

Yet another solution with draggable pushpin and draggable infobox

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>pushpinDragEventsHTML</title><metahttp-equiv='Content-Type'content='text/html; charset=utf-8'/><styletype='text/css'>body{margin:0;padding:0;overflow:hidden;font-family:'Segoe UI',Helvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif}</style></head><body><divid='printoutPanel'></div><divid='myMap'style='width: 100vw; height: 100vh;'></div><scripttype='text/javascript'>functionloadMapScenario() {
        var map = newMicrosoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('myMap'), {});
        var center   = map.getCenter();
        varEvents   = Microsoft.Maps.Events;
        varLocation = Microsoft.Maps.Location;
        varPushpin  = Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin;
        var pins = [
                newPushpin(newLocation(center.latitude, center.longitude), { color: '#00F', draggable: true }),
             // Setting up the pin_coordinates printout paneldocument.getElementById('printoutPanel').innerHTML = '<div id="pushpinDragEnd">' + center +'</div>';      
            var infobox = newMicrosoft.Maps.Infobox(
                center, { 
                title: 'Map Center',
                description: 'Initail Lable' });

            // Binding the events for the pinEvents.addHandler(pins[0], 'dragend', function () {  displayPinCoordinates('pushpinDragEnd'); });

            functiondisplayPinCoordinates(id) {
                    infobox.setMap(null); // delete infoboxvar pin_location =pins[0].getLocation();
                    document.getElementById(id).innerHTML =pin_location;   // display pin coordinates in printout panel// display dragged infobox
                    infobox = newMicrosoft.Maps.Infobox(
                        pin_location, { 
                        title: 'Pin Center',
                        description: 'Dragable Lable' });


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