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Inter Frame Sop - Chrome Extension

In a Chrome Extension, I'm trying to get gmail compose body content. An error jumps out sporadically, and does not prevents it from working. This is being run as a content script.

Solution 1:

You can not read cross site content using javascript. XSS Auditor of Google Chorme will never allow this.

Please have a look at


There is support for cross site communication using window.postMessage() in Chrome 2+. Please have a look at this documentation

Solution 2:

To give a good answer, we need more information:

  • where exactly you are running this code, is it in the web page, the extension's content script or the etension's background script?
  • Also, what does your manifest.json file look like? Which sites have you asked for permission to run on.

I suspect this is a case of a badly-written error message and really it is saying: your extension does not have permission to run on In that case, simply add permissions for More details are in the Chrome extensions docs:

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