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Html5 Drag & Drop Behaviour

I'm making extensive use of the HTML5 native drag & drop, and it's almost entirely behaving itself, with one small exception. I'm trying to highlight my dropzones when anything

Solution 1:

I'm genuinely embarrassed by how easy this one was.

$("*:visible").live('dragenter dragover',function(event){lightdz(event)});

$("#page").live('dragleave dragexit',function(event)
    if(event.pageX == "0")


#page is a page-wide container. If the dragleave event takes the dragged object outside of the browser window, event.pageX will have a value of 0. If it happens anywhere else, it'll have a non-zero value.

Solution 2:

I may be getting overly complex here but I would do something like this:

var draggingFile = false;
var event2;

//elements with the class hotspots are OKvar hotspots = $(".hotspots");

//Handlers on the body for drag start & stop
$("body").live("dragover", function(event){ draggingFile = true; event2 = event; });
$("body").live("dragexit dragleave drop", function(event){ draggingFile = false; event2 = event; });

//Function checks to see if file is being dragged over an OK hotspot regardless of other elements infrontvar isTargetOK = function(x, y){
    hotspots.each(function(i, el){
        el2 = $(el);
        var pos = el2.offset();
        if(x => pos.left && x <= pos.left+el2.width() && y => && y <={

//Mousemove handler on body
    //if user is dragging a fileif(draggingFile){
        //Check to see if this is an OK element with mouse X & Yif(isOKTarget(e.pageX, e.pageY)){
            //Light em' up!lightdz(event2);
        } else { /* Fade em' :( */dimdz(event2); }
    } else {
        dimdz(); //Having no parematers means just makes sure hotspots are off

BTW that's probably not going to work straight off the bat, so you'll have to tweak it a bit to work with your code.

Solution 3:

I tried the accepted solution here, but ended up using setTimeout to overcome the issue. I was having a ton of trouble with the page-wide container blocking the drop element if it was floated on top, and still causing the problem if it was the drop element.

<bodystyle="border: 1px solid black;"><divid="d0"style="border: 1px solid black;">&nbsp;</div><divid="d1"style="border: 1px solid black; display: none; background-color: red;">-&gt; drop here &lt;-</div><divid="d2"style="border: 1px solid black;">&nbsp;</div><divstyle="float: left;">other element</div><divstyle="float: left;">&nbsp;-&nbsp;</div><divstyle="float: left;">another element</div><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></body><scripttype="text/javascript">var resetTimer;

    var f = function(e)
        if (e.type == "dragover")
            if (resetTimer)
            document.getElementById('d1').style.display = '';
            var f = function()
                document.getElementById('d1').style.display = 'none';
            resetTimer = window.setTimeout(f, 25);  

    document.body.addEventListener("dragover", f, true);
    document.body.addEventListener("dragleave", f, true);
    document.getElementById('d1').addEventListener("drop", function(e){ f(); alert('dropped'); }, false);

If you were to just call f(); instead of window.setTimeout(f, 250);, you'll see some nasty flickering of the element showing and hiding.

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