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Jquery Wrap A E-mail Address

I have several e-mail addresses in a text, which is saved in a variable. the e-mail addresses are in this format test[-@-] Now I want to wrap each e-mail adress with a spa

Solution 1:

If your text is in a variable string, you can just use regular expressions:

str = str.replace(/([a-z]+\[-@-\][a-z]+\.[a-z]+)/g,'<span>$1</span>');

Mind you, though, that matching email addresses with regular expressions can be tricky business.

Solution 2:

Much better to use a callback function:

var wrap = function(text) {  
    $("#Text").html( function(){  
        var patt1= new RegExp(text, "g");  
        return $("#Text").html().replace(patt1, function(match){return "<strong>"+ match +"</strong>"});  

As on

Solution 3:

Use to create a new span element like so:

var emailArray = ["test1[-@-]", "test2[-@-]", "test3[-@-]"];
$.each(emailArray, function (index) {
    emailArray[index] = $('<span>' + emailArray[index] + '</span>');

Solution 4:

For plain-old vanilla JavaScript:

function wrap(text, element) {
    return document.createElement(element).innerText(text);

Otherwise, if you're using jQuery, .wrap('span') (jQuery API)

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