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Accessing Outer Caller Function Arguments

I want to write a function that takes a function and some other objects as arguments and makes these arguments as default arguments for the function and returns a new function. ass

Solution 1:

There seemed to be a lot of unncessary testing code in there, which I've cleaned up. To my understanding, the code below and this demo do what you required.

function temp(a, b, c, d){
  console.log(a + b + c + d);

function partial(f){
    var defaultArgs =, 1);
    var that = this;

    var tf = function(){
        f.apply(that, defaultArgs.concat(;
    return tf;

var ff = partial(temp, 44, 55);
ff(20, 30);

// console output: 149

Solution 2:

You can do it with .bind()

function partial(f, x, y) {
  return f.bind(this, x, y);

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