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Replace Part Of String At Specified Position

I want to replace a part of string at specified position(start, end) by another string in javascript Here is an example: 'Hello world this is a question' I want to replace the par

Solution 1:

For example with substring() calls and concatenation (+):

var msg="Hello world this is a question";
var replaced=msg.substring(0,6)+"friends"+msg.substring(11);

Solution 2:

Method 1:

If you know the exact index you want to slice the string at, you should probably use javascript string.slice method like so:

var str = "Hello world!";
var part = str.slice(1, 5);
console.log(part); // "ello"

Method 2:

If you don't know the index, but you do know the string you want to replace, you can simply use string.replace method like so:

var input = "Hello world this is a question";
var result = input.replace("world", "friends");
console.log(result); // Hello friends this is a question

Solution 3:

You can use slice to achieve this.

let str = "Hello world this is a question"

function replace(st, en, val) {
  str = str.slice(0, st + 1) + val + str.slice(en + 1)

replace(5, 10, 'friends')

Solution 4:

You can try the replace() and substring() method

var str = "Hello world this is a question";

console.log(str.replace(str.substring(6, 11), "friends"));

Solution 5:

there is replace function in javascript

var replaceData = "Hello world this is a question";
  console.log(replaceData.replace('world', 'friends'));

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