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Open Page In Modal Box

I have a script that restrict the click on a href link if there;s no checkbox selected. I want the editpr.php open in modal box. The problem is I'm not familiar with modalbox. Any

Solution 1:

You can't open a page in a modal box just with pure javascript, as "alert()" or "confirm()".

To do what you want you need to put your 'editpr.php' content inside a div, and make it modal with CSS.

Actually we have a lot of libraries that make it happen easily, I think that most used is:

Check the "Outside HTML (Ajax)" and "Outside Webpage (Iframe)" on this example page, probably is the same thing that you want to do:

Solution 2:

There are some useful jQuery plugins that can make your job really easy. I suggest you give them a try. Here you have an example.

Solution 3:

Since you are already using jQuery you could use jquery-ui.

They have an exmple of what you want to do here:

Once you get your modal dialog element setup, all you have to do is make and XHR for editpr.php, load the result into the elements innerhtml, then display the dialog.

// setup your modal dialog
var el = $( "#editpr-dialog" ).dialog({
  // ... (other config options)
  modal: true

// XHR editpr.php and show the dialog box
$.get('editpr.php', function(data){

Solution 4:

The custombox plugin has a lot of beautiful features and works amazingly with Jquery:

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