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Transition Of An Axis

To create my y-axis I've cobbled together this code: // Add y axis with ticks and tick markers var axisPadding = 2; var leftAxisGroup = svg .append('g') .style('font', '10px ve

Solution 1:

This really are two questions in one, but here are the answers:

  1. You are right that there is no need for all that JavaScript code to target .domain and .tick as that can be achieved with CSS:

    .domain, .tick {
      stroke: black;
      shape-rendering: crispEdges;
    .domain {
      fill: none;
  2. To create an axis, you do the following:

    var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
    var domYAxis = mainGroup.append("g")

    To animate an axis, you just need to add a transition before the call:

    var domYAxis = mainGroup.append("g");

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