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Showing posts from July, 2022

How To Parse A JSON Data (type : BigInt) In TypeScript

I have a simple request but It seems to be harder than expected. I have to parse a bigint from a JS… Read more How To Parse A JSON Data (type : BigInt) In TypeScript

HTML5 Ondragstart Not Firing When Attirubtes Added Through C#

I am trying to implement HTML5 drag & drop but the ondragstart event doesn't fire. I am loa… Read more HTML5 Ondragstart Not Firing When Attirubtes Added Through C#

How Can I Load External Pages In The Same Tab With Twitter-bootstrap Framework?

I can't find examples of 'first senario' in Basic tabs example on Tabs used as regular … Read more How Can I Load External Pages In The Same Tab With Twitter-bootstrap Framework?

On Table Scroll Listener

I'm trying to find out event of scrolling tables. I can get the left param, for example, using… Read more On Table Scroll Listener

Create Duplicate Objects Into Array Based On Length Provided

I want to insert duplicate values into array based on length provided like this: var a = [{displayN… Read more Create Duplicate Objects Into Array Based On Length Provided

Will Dynamically Generated Content Via Javascript Hurt SEO

This is what I would like to do. I would like to load content dynamically. Everything except the ac… Read more Will Dynamically Generated Content Via Javascript Hurt SEO

Angular Directive Ng-if Does Not Evaluate Conditional Statement

I'm new to web dev and AngularJS. I'm trying to use the directive ng-if to only display a d… Read more Angular Directive Ng-if Does Not Evaluate Conditional Statement

Jquery Ajax $.get Result Doesn't Find Class

I got stuck on a seemingly simple problem. I want to fetch the resulting HTML from a ajax request a… Read more Jquery Ajax $.get Result Doesn't Find Class

How To Get The Next Obj When Looping In The Django Model

This is the code: {% for o in page_obj.object_list %} Solutio… Read more How To Get The Next Obj When Looping In The Django Model

Creating New Date Object Which Includes Timezone Identifier

I am querying event start times from Facebook's API. Most often, they return the string like th… Read more Creating New Date Object Which Includes Timezone Identifier

Jquery And Mootools, .noConflict Is Failing

I have an application that requires the use of a mootools calendar, however, I use jquery for my ma… Read more Jquery And Mootools, .noConflict Is Failing

Google Maps API: GetFeatureById For Feature Collection Not Working

I try to change the style of a specific feature of a feature collection data overlay. This is a sni… Read more Google Maps API: GetFeatureById For Feature Collection Not Working

Slash Appended To All My Posts

Possible Duplicate: Why turning magic_quotes_gpc on in PHP is considered a bad practice? when i g… Read more Slash Appended To All My Posts

Scroll Down Page Event For X Seconds

I am currently able to scroll down a page with the help of CasperJS. I saw this article on how to s… Read more Scroll Down Page Event For X Seconds

Trouble Scraping A Table Into R

I am trying and failing to scrape the table of average IQs by country from this web page into R. I&… Read more Trouble Scraping A Table Into R

How To Post Data To Mongo Collection Using Mean Stack?

I have a object that contains firstname and lastname from client it is printing in client factory s… Read more How To Post Data To Mongo Collection Using Mean Stack?

Javascript Game Problems

So i am making a simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game. But when I run it. It doesn't gave the outp… Read more Javascript Game Problems

RegisterClientScriptCode Not Working After A Partial Post Back

The following lines of code are in a user control in a SharePoint website. ScriptManager.RegisterCl… Read more RegisterClientScriptCode Not Working After A Partial Post Back

Adapting Diverging Stacked Bar Chart To Use General Update Pattern

I have been working with a stacked bar chart example available here with the following code: var da… Read more Adapting Diverging Stacked Bar Chart To Use General Update Pattern

Promise Returning Undefined

I am trying to use promise to send an ajax request to a php script which checks if a file exist on … Read more Promise Returning Undefined

What Is The Usage Of Adding An Empty String In A Javascript Statement

I see an empty string ('' or '') used in many JavaScript statements but not sure wh… Read more What Is The Usage Of Adding An Empty String In A Javascript Statement

Highstock/Highchart Cannot Set Individual Point Color

I am working on Highstock, I am trying to set a color to a specific point in 'data' in High… Read more Highstock/Highchart Cannot Set Individual Point Color

Input.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); IE Bug

This problem shows only in ie.all other browser namely ff,chrome,safari,opera works well. It doesn&… Read more Input.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); IE Bug

Adding HH:MM:SS Strings In Javascript

I don't think I can figure this out on my own. Lets say I have a time in the string format of … Read more Adding HH:MM:SS Strings In Javascript