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How To Show One Decimal Place (Without Rounding) And Show .0 For Whole Numbers?

Is there a nice way to show show decimal numbers with one decimal place all the time but without rounding? So you have the following numbers: 3.55 3.5 3 and I want them to show 3.

Solution 1:

you can also use the toFixed() method, though this converts the float to a string.

var float = 3.55


This will round but rounds down a decimal of 0.5 in any position

Solution 2:

Use Math.floor instead.

pad(Math.floor(num * 10) / 10);

where pad adds .0 if it needs to.

Keep in mind that Math.round is probably better. Since 3.55 should be 3.6.

Solution 3:

To remove the need for a pad function:

function toOnePlace(n) {
  n = ('' + n).split('.');
  return n[0] + '.' + (n[1]? n[1].charAt(0) : 0);

Solution 4:

Try this (where x is your float):

function format_float(float x )
   if ((x).tostring().contains(".") ) 
   {return parseFloat((x).tostring().Substring(0,indexof(".")+1)) ;}
   {return x.toFixed(1);}

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